So with the forecasted Chinook on its way (Yippee!!!) It is a really good idea to read this advice from the City of Calgary to avoid any unwanted water in your home
-Shovel snow away from the foundation and window wells to prevent seepage into your basement.
-If you are moving or piling snow, make sure it doesn’t block furnace and exhaust vents, which could cause a buildup of carbon monoxide.
-Make sure your downspouts are clear and pointed away from your house.
-Once the melt begins, clear snow away from the storm drain.
-If the storm drain is iced over, do not try to remove it yourself. Call 311 and a crew will clear the ice for you. Don’t chip away at ice on storm drains as you may damage it or injure yourself.
If water pools by the storm drain, give it 90 minutes to drain. The City of Calgary has special devices in the storm drains that allow the water to drain slowly and not overload the stormwater system.
-If you see pooled water on a roadway, be careful – don’t drive through deep water as you can’t see potential risks.
-Check the function of your sump pump.
-Clean out your back flow prevention valve (it should be cleaned every six months anyway).
As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.