Vote for your favourite in the Foothills. It only takes a moment and it certainly means a lot to the recipients. We really do appreciate your vote! (Julie has won Best In Foothills Gold for the past 5 years which we are thrilled about)
Just copy & paste the link below and vote for your Best In Foothills (Best Local Real Estate Agent is #34). After you have done your voting just fill in your details, submit and you will be put in the draw to win a $300 gift certificate.
Thank you so much for your time.
Eddie & Julie.
Hi Guys
Well it's that time of year again (my how time flies!) to vote for your favourite in the Foothills.
Julie wins numerous awards for her hard work (#1 in her office this year), but by far the most important is Best In Foothills as it is voted for by YOU!
Julie has won Best In Foothills Gold (Best Local Real Estate Agent) for the past 5 years thanks to you guys. We really do appreciate your vote!
Just copy the website below and vote for your Best In Foothills (Best Local Real Estate Agent is #34). After you have done your voting just fill in your details, submit and you will be put in the draw to win a $300 gift certificate. The recipients of the awards really do appreciate your votes....
Thank you so much for your time.
Eddie & Julie.